Desde su creacià³n, esta organizacià³n de base ha crecido hasta convertirse en una sociedad benéfica nacional reconocida por sus campaà±as nacionales de educacià³n y concienciacià³n y por su apoyo a los pacientes y cuidadores. Ademà¡s, con nuestros esfuerzos de recaudacià³n de fondos, apoyamos a los investigadores del cà¡ncer de pà¡ncreas de todo Canadà¡. Para lograrlo, hemos recorrido literalmente montaà±as en bicicleta, hemos caminado kilà³metros, hemos saltado desde muelles y hemos iluminado la noche con fuegos artificiales.

La Sociedad contra el Cà¡ncer de Pà¡ncreas «Craig’s Cause» se creà³ en 2006 tras el fallecimiento de Craig Schurman Condon a la edad de 63 aà±os, ocho semanas después del diagnà³stico. Tenemos cuatro pilares que guà­an todo nuestro trabajo: Sensibilizacià³n, Educacià³n, Investigacià³n y Apoyo. Cada uno de nuestros proyectos se centra en uno o varios de estos pilares. Estamos entusiasmados con nuestros numerosos actos de concienciacià³n sobre el otoà±o, nuestra campaà±a nacional de formacià³n de médicos, nuestra iniciativa del Banco de Conocimientos para la investigacià³n y nuestros programas de apoyo a los pacientes.

Trabajar con el WPCC ha sido increà­ble. Obtenemos apoyo y la oportunidad de colaborar con organizaciones de todo el mundo. Para cada nuevo proyecto, buscamos si las organizaciones pueden haber hecho algo similar y pueden ofrecer su consejo.

El mapa de activos que se ha creado también nos permite dirigir a los pacientes a los recursos que necesitan dondequiera que vivan.

¡Ya estoy deseando que llegue Florida 2018!

Consulte nuestro sitio web para obtener mà¡s informacià³n en

TEB e.V. Selbsthilfe was founded in Germany by Katharina Stang in 2006.

TEB e.V. Selbsthilfe was founded by Katharina Stang in 2006 with the aim of providing support to people with pancreatic diseases and their loved ones, as well as education, advice and assistance for their condition. The German acronym “TEB” stands for “Tumors and diseases of the pancreas.” For more than 10 years, Chairwoman Katharina Stang has led the group, which is based in Ludwigsburg but active throughout the country. She works closely with a scientific advisory board of leading German gastroenterologists and oncologists.

Helping those affected by pancreatic diseases and their loved ones through personal contact and information is a top priority for Stang and her team. “We listen — We help — We advise — We accompany — We support”: These guiding principles sum up TEB’s efforts, which are distinguished by a range of offers and initiatives. The patient organization’s key activities include regular group meetings, educational events, brochures, counsel sessions for relatives, seminars for doctors and patients, expert medical advice via phone, hospital visits and social activities such as cooking sessions and workshops with those affected. The group also provides multiple materials such as info folders, leaflets and a regularly published member magazine, which nicely complement the TEB websites.

TEB e.V. Selbsthilfe holds group meetings for people affected by pancreatic cancer.

From the very beginning, TEB has been actively engaged within the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition (WPCC) and contributed to the inaugural launch of the World Pancreatic Cancer Day. “2017 is the fourth year we are organizing this global awareness day. Together, we have forged the most important initiative for boosting awareness and education on a global scale,” Stang said. “We are proud to represent Germany within the Coalition and appreciate the interaction with other national groups, as well as the knowledge that we are all fighting for the same cause: to improve pancreatic cancer treatment through research and education — and to hopefully one day find a cure.”

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