

My Story is about My story is myself


This event took place from 10/10/2019 to 11/15/2023


The Discovery

It was discovered by my Gastro Doctor and my persistent. Because my oldest sister Gloria passed away from pancreatic cancer over 25 years ago because the doctors could not find out what was her problem was until it was too late and when they did it was stage 4. So it has always been on mind.
We both suffer with stomach issues. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis 4 years ago and I had the dr to check.my pancreas at that time and we found nothing. The pain started again on October 2019 and I ask my Gastro Dr. to send me some antibiotics for.7 days and the pain was still there so she decided to run more tests. I insisted that she check my pancreas again and there it was a spot on the tail of my pancreas. My doctor referred me to a surgeon who had performed surgery and removed my spleen, gallbladder and the tail of the pancreas. It was stage 1. I had to have 6 months of aggressive chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. I was treated like I had stage 4. Presently, I am Cancer Free and every 4 months I have to have a CAT scan done. Please listen to your body and be persistent with your Doctors. Make them dig in and find out whatever your problems may be. My sister had to die for me to live. I didn’t give up on me.

This is My Story

Listen and know your body.

The Impact of Time

Because of my sister having pancreas cancer it stayed on my mind and I was able to catch it in the early stage. My outlook has changed the way I look at and paid close attention toy body. It seems that after you have cancer you are always thinking something is going on with your body. So I have to been positive and remind myself that I am okay. I am.so blessed that God spared my lift and I feel that I have to share my story to help someone else. I am so glad that we are focusing on pancreatic cancer to detect it in its early stage. It can been done.